out of life, but also connecting with the people those experiences involve with integrity and respect. Iron Maiden aren't one of the greatest bands in history simply because they have fantastic songwriters and the distinctive voice of Bruce. It's because they instinctively understand what customer experience is. Game by game, here is Bruce Dickinson's setlist to turn customers into fans.
You recognize that these are people who can walk away Bruce's definition of a client is clear, concise, and not what you would expect to industry leads hear. "You really should hate customers," he begins. “Because a customer is a person who can leave. He's not someone you can take for granted. A client is someone like me who is always looking for a reason to say, “I'm gone and I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore.
So what turns a customer waiting for a reason to walk away into the type of fan who will happily spend a muddy weekend waiting to consume what you put on? According to Bruce, it comes down to a simple belief in your integrity and your intentions. "If I walk into a store and a person clings to me like a leach within five seconds, following me everywhere asking if they can help me, then I'm going to be out because I know they just want something from me,” he says. "When I walk in and someone casually looks up and says, 'Let me know if I can help' - those are the times I stay because I can see they're there to make my life better.